Sunday, June 5, 2011

6/5/2011 Scheduled Watering - HI 9813-6N Reservoir Log

5/29 Note: I am reducing Cal-Mag and Silicon additives in order
to reserve more PPM in favor of GrowMore 20/20/20.

6/7 Note: I will now be 1) dating notes for better comprehension of reservoir logs, and 2) adding the time of day to the start of any reservoir actions performed and time of application.


Ideal Readings and Target Parameters:

PPM = 150 (125 - 175)

pH = 5.5 (5.4 - 5.5)

TEMP (C) = 17.5 (15 - 20)

Target Composition:

Amount PPM --------------Target --------------- PPM Total

* 40 gallons Tap ---------- (+45 PPM) ----------- 045
* 500 mg Vitamin C -------(+2? PPM) ----------- 047
* 30 ml Ancient Humate (+1 PPM) ------------ 048
* 15 ml Molasses --------- (+10 PPM) ---------- 058
* 20 ml Silicon ------------ (+10 PPM) ----------- 068
* 7 ml Cal-Mag ------------ (+10 PPM) ---------- 078
* 25 ml Microblast -------- (+10 PPM) ----------- 088
* 20 ml 20/20/20 ---------- (+50 PPM) ----------- 138
* 40 ml or less pH Down -- (+12 PPM) ------------ 150 or less @ pH = 5.5


Local rain and scheduling delayed nutrient delivery by 3 days, to Wed. 6/8/11


+ 40 gallons tap
* PPM = 044, pH = 8.4
* Aerated for over 24 hours.


* PPM = 045 (+1) pH = 7.5 (-.9)
+ 1000 mg Vitamin C
* PPM = 046 (+1), pH = 7.2 (-.3)


Time: 3:22 pm PST

* PPM = 046, pH = 6.7 (-.5)

+ 15 ml Ancient Humate
* PPM = stable, pH = stable

+ 15 ml Molasses
* PPM = 057 (+11), pH = stable

+ 10 ml Silicon
* PPM = 063 (+6), pH = 7.2 (+.5)

+ 3 ml CalMag
* PPM = 068 (+5), pH = stable

+ 25 ml Microblast
* PPM = 077 (+9), pH = 6.9 (-.3)

+ 15 ml 20/20/20
* PPM = 115 (+38), pH = 6.7 (-.2)

+ 10 ml 20/20/20
* PPM = 135 (+20), pH = 6.6 (-.1)

+ 15 ml pH Down
* PPM = 141 (+6), pH 5.4 (-1.2)

+ 2.5 ml 20/20/20
* PPM = 150 (+9), pH = stable

Time: 4:17 pm PST


Time: 9:30 am PST

* PPM = 161, pH = 5.1

+ 7 ml pH Up
* PPM = 167, pH = 5.4

PPM = 167, pH = 5.4, TEMP = 19.3 C, TIME = 9:40 am PST



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